Rune Factory 4 Romance Options and How to Get Married

In this game, Rune Factory 4, you can get married to a total of 14 different characters. This article will outline all the options and give tips on how to marry each character in your farm.

Rune Factory 4 Romance Options and How to Get Married

The “rune factory 4 marriage requirements” is a list of the requirements needed to be married in Rune Factory 4.

As you learn the narrative of Selphia and its residents in Rune Factory 4, romance opportunities appear all around you. Falling in love in Story of Seasons is a little more complex than normal, since certain individuals have special unlock criteria before you can begin courting them. Before your romantic alternatives agree to marry you, you’ll need to get a couple of your personal affairs in order.

This Rune Factory 4 romance guide will walk you through all of the game’s romance choices, including all bachelorettes and bachelors. It will also instruct you on how to propose to characters and marry them.

Options for Romance in Rune Factory 4


There are six bachelors and six bachelorettes to choose from in Rune Factory 4, however there is no option to marry someone of the same gender. That will have to wait until Rune Factory 5.

Bachelorettes are one of the romance options in Rune Factory 4.

  • Amber
  • Forte
  • Xiao Pai
  • Margaret is a woman who has a (only becomes eligible after Dylas arrives)
  • Clorica
  • Dolce

Bachelors, Bachelors, Bachelors, Bachelors, Bachelors, Bachelors, Bachelors, Bachelors, Bachelors,

  • Vishnal
  • Arthur
  • Leon is a man of many talents (only becomes eligible in act two)
  • Doug is a man of many talents (only becomes eligible in act two)
  • Dylas
  • Kiel

In Rune Factory 4, how do you propose?


Your target must have at least 7 Love Points, else they will dismiss your intentions as a joke and disregard you. Say “I Love You!” when you’re ready to propose marriage, and if they accept, your first date will begin. This isn’t the same as getting engaged, and you’re free to date other people. There’s still a potential that a romantic choice would reject you, so you’ll have to increase their Love Points even more.

To get more Love Points, give them a present that is either their favorite or one that they like. Keep in mind that we’ve listed each character’s favorite things and presents elsewhere, so keep that in mind as you traverse the romantic highways.

You may propose marriage once you’ve watched the third date event and finished the sub-event for romantic choices. There is no divorce in Rune Factory 4, unlike Stardew Valley, so you’re stuck with anyone you choose.

Your date events will involve the suitor proposing to you if you’re playing as Frey. However, it’s alright to decline since you can propose later.

In Rune Factory 4, here’s how to get married.

While you may theoretically propose to romance choices at any time after you have the appropriate materials and presents, there are a few prerequisites that must be met before anybody will take you seriously and marry you. The first is a private matter. Before you can propose to romance choices, you’ll need a double bed and an engagement ring. 

In Rune Factory 4, how do you get the double bed?

Once you’ve leveled up the Double Bed by fulfilling activities around Selphia and continuing the plot, Blossom will sell it at her shop. 

In Rune Factory 4, how do you get the engagement ring?

Once it reaches level 20, you may manufacture the engagement ring at the Crafting Table.

That’s all there is to know about Rune Factory 4 romance choices and how to marry, but for more information, see our other Rune Factory 4 tutorials.

Watch This Video-

The “rune factory 4 bachelors and bachelorettes” is a game that allows players to get married. The “romance options” are the different ways for characters to fall in love with one another.

Frequently Asked Questions

What do you need to get married in Rune Factory 4?

A: As the game begins, you and Astrid are engaged to be married. However, if you want to get married in Rune Factory 4, its best that your relationship has already been going on for a while before marriage is an option. The couple must have had their first kiss before they can even consider getting hitched.

Can you marry anyone Rune Factory 4?

Can you marry a girl as a girl in Rune Factory 4?

A: No, you cannot marry another character as your same gender in Rune Factory 4.

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