Skyrim: Thoron Missing Bug Fix

Bethesda has fixed a well-known bug in Skyrim. After finishing the main quest line, you will be unable to speak to anyone without being assaulted by an endless barrage of “I’m not insane.” The company plans on releasing a patch soon.




Players will need to discover and destroy Thoron, the Mad Conjurer as part of the Saints & Seducers Creation Club DLC in Skyrim, however some players have had difficulty doing so.

When they arrived to Thorn’s hideout, they discovered that Thoron was not to be found, leaving them unable to complete the mission. Unfortunately, console users who are experiencing this problem may be out of luck, but we do have a viable solution for PC players.

How to Resolve the Thoron Bug

You don’t have much of a choice if Thoron isn’t where he’s meant to be, so you’ll have to utilize terminal instructions to get him there. It’s conceivable that Thoron has spawned somewhere else and is unable to find his way to the proper location due to a bug. Because console commands are only available on the PC version, console gamers may be unable to remedy this issue.

To activate the console, use the tilde () key on your keyboard. This will open a text window where you may input your instructions and submit them by clicking “Enter.” The command you’ll use here is “moveto,” which allows you to move referenced NPCs around.

You must set Thoron as your referred NPC in order to utilize this, thus write “prid xx000C3D” and submit. That is Thoron’s reference ID, and it will now move Thoron around when you use the “moveto” command. Simply type “moveto player” and Thoron will appear in front of you.

Because defeating Thoron is crucial to completing the Saints & Seducers questline, it’s very worth using these instructions to summon him if he doesn’t appear as expected. We understand that using commands seems like cheating, but it’s better than never finishing the quest or obtaining the Sword of Jyggalag. It’s also required for earning the Amber and Madness Smithing note, which may be useful.

If you’re looking to learn more about Skyrim, have a look at our Skyrim guides site!

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