What Is The Chairman’s Name In Lost Judgment

The Chairman is a character in the Lost Judgment video game. He is a mysterious figure that appears before the protagonist and gives them their mission.

The judgement ps4 is a video game developed by Atlus and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment for the PlayStation 4.


A teacher asks you a difficult question during the mission where you install cameras throughout the school. Although you had a long cut-scene with him earlier in the game, it’s easy to forget a name when it’s stated in passing, thus this guide on What Is The Chairman’s Name In Lost Judgment will remind you of the Chairman’s name.

This is a subplot to the main plot. You and your colleagues begin installing cameras around the campus. Because this is a linear mission with pre-determined camera positioning, finding each of the sites is as simple as following the goals and on-screen instructions. After you’ve installed all but a few cameras, the youngsters from the previous street brawl will enter a classroom. You follow them inside the classroom to install more cameras, but a teacher notices you and begins interrogating you.

In Lost Judgment, what is the Chairman’s name?

What Is The Chairman's Name She will initially inquire as to who sent you, to which you should just reply that the Chairman sent you. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, she asks another inquiry. What is the name of the Chairman? Now, if you’re reading this, you’re probably as forgetful as I am and have already forgotten his name. I was able to rewind time and verify with the help of Elgato, so don’t worry.

Okuda-san is the Chairman’s name. When the instructor asks which option Okuda-san prefers, choose Okuda-san. After she apologizes for being nasty, you may install the remaining cameras and continue with the narrative.


Captaincamper posted Lost Judgment Guides on September 22, 2021.

Use of dancing attire, stylin’, and profilin’ are all rewarded in the Dance Club mini-game. This Lost Judgment Where To Buy Dance Clothes guide will tell you where to buy all of the dance outfits in the game, as well as how much they cost and where to locate the store that sells them all.


Captaincamper posted Lost Judgment Guides on September 22, 2021.

Lost Judgment follows the Yakuza series’ tradition of using a unique method for selling things. We’ll teach you all you need to know about how to sell your goods and where you can sell them in our tutorial on Where To Sell Items In Lost Judgment, since having a lot of money opens a lot of doors.


Captaincamper posted Lost Judgment Guides on September 22, 2021.

During a High School event, you are offered an option. This article on How To Get Out Of This Position In Lost Judgment will teach you what to do if you find yourself in a situation with a young kid who has made an allegation.


Captaincamper posted Lost Judgment Guides on September 22, 2021.

A teacher asks you a difficult question during the mission where you install cameras throughout the school. Although you had a long cut-scene with him earlier in the game, it’s easy to forget a name when it’s stated in passing, thus this guide on What Is The Chairman’s Name In Lost Judgment will remind you of the Chairman’s name.

  • judgement ps5
