Short Essay On Air Pollution For Students In Easy Words – Read Here


Air pollution is a global problem that has become more prevalent in the past few decades. In order to combat current air quality, we need to downsize our carbon footprint and reduce our reliance on fossil fuels.

The “air pollution essay example” is a short essay on the topic of air pollution. It includes an introduction, conclusion, and bibliography.


Air pollution is caused by the use of dust, poisonous gases, mills, factories, smokes, motor vehicles, and other sources, and it is only possible when fresh air is contaminated. For a healthy existence, we need clean air.

What Causes Pollution In The Air?

Short-Essay-On-Air-Pollution-For-Students-In-Easy-WordsThere are many effects on the planet as a result of air pollution. The following are some of the factors that contribute to air pollution:


Natural gas, petroleum, cars, thermal plants, kitchens, airplanes, railroads, agricultural fires, coal and wood in industry, and soot, CO2, CO, sulfur oxides, fly ash, and nitrogen oxides are all examples.

It also has an effect on cosmetics.

Grinding gems, welding, stone crushing, and so forth.

Cotton textiles, wheat flour mills, and asbestos processing are examples of processing industries.

Pesticides, fertilizers, fungicides, and weedicides are all part of the chemical industry.

What Are The Consequences Of Pollution In The Air?

Air PollutionAir pollutants are divided into two categories: particulates and gaseous pollutants. Particulate substances contain the participle of dependable as well as liquid. Air pollution has a negative impact on humans due to “vegetables,” animals, buildings, and other factors. The many impacts on the environment and our health are listed below.

Carbon Monoxide (CO)

1625962398_796_Short-Essay-On-Air-Pollution-For-Students-In-Easy-WordsIt accounts for half of the total amount of pollutants in the atmosphere. It is produced by incomplete combustion of carbon fuels in different industries, hearths, motor vehicles, kitchens, and other places.


Carbon monoxide interacts with hemoglobin in the blood and reduces its oxygen-carrying ability. Carbon monoxide, which is at a greater quantity, is deadly.

Oxides of Sulfur

1625962398_826_Short-Essay-On-Air-Pollution-For-Students-In-Easy-WordsThey are mostly found in the form of sulfur dioxide. It is generated in enormous quantities during the melting of metallic ores and the combustion of petroleum. Coal is also used in industry, at home, in motor vehicles, and in thermal power plants, among other things.

The production of sulphuric acid, i.e. H2SO3, occurs when SO2 reacts with water in the air, resulting in acid rain. The chlorosis and necrosis produced by the chlorosis are included in the vegetation. It causes irritation to the eyes, as well as damage to the respiratory tract.

Carbon dioxide is a gas that exists in the atmosphere.

1625962399_317_Short-Essay-On-Air-Pollution-For-Students-In-Easy-WordsCO2 levels have been gradually increasing as a result of excessive combustion activities. By accumulating carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, it absorbs more infrared radiation reflection. This may result in a rise in temperature due to greenhouse effects.

Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)

Short-Essay-On-Air-Pollution-For-Students-In-Easy-WordsNitrogen oxides are generated by nitrates, nitrites, solar flares, high-energy radiation, electrical storms, and other biological and non-biological processes.

Human activities produce nitrogen oxides during industrial combustion, which also includes automobiles, nitrogen fertilizers, and incinerators. It reacts with unsaturated hydrocarbons to produce proxy-acyl nitrates, often known as PAN.

If you have any more questions regarding Short Essay On Air Pollution, please leave them in the comments section below.


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Frequently Asked Questions

What is air pollution write short note?

A: Some burning fuel is sometimes released into the air. This causes smog, which can be very harmful to peoples health and the environment. The pollutants in these fumes are typically sulfur dioxide or nitrous oxides

How do you write an air pollution essay?

A: This is a difficult question. I would suggest you think about what air pollution means to you and your life, then write down your thoughts on the subject in a few paragraphs. You can also try looking online for essays written by other people who have had similar experiences with air pollution as well.

What causes air pollution in simple words?

A: Air pollution is the presence of harmful particles and gases in air, which can cause harm to plants or animals. These pollutants generally come from human activity such as burning coal, wood, oil etc., but they may also be naturally occurring substances like volcanic vapor or desert dust storms.

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